
  1. The best musk perfume for unparalleled elegance

    The best musk perfume for unparalleled elegance


    Musk is formed in a gland in the abdomen of a species of antelope, which is called the musk deer. The profession of perfume making was known in the pre-Islamic era in the Arab region, musk was one of the most important products Quraish merchants traded in. It was also famous with sandalwood, amber and agarwood, and there was also Indian musk that was exported from the port of Darin and distributed throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

    How to extract musk


    First method


     The male antelope is killed, then the musk sack is separated from it and dried well, but this method is prohibited because it is very cruel to the animal. Therefore, hunters and extractors of musk resorted to other methods that

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  2. The best version of Tom Ford perfume of pure musk

    The best version of Tom Ford perfume of pure musk


    This perfume was launched in 2007 and it's one of a kind and smells like no other. And its smell makes those who smell it at first sight, fall in love with it, as Christophe Laudamel, who invented this composition, was keen to mix many fresh and attractive scents with each other, until the composition of the fragrance becomes mysterious and the nose is confused in understanding it and finally based his choices on the aromatic resin oil, which was extracted From the beautiful white cistus shrubs found around the Mediterranean basin or in the mountains or plateaus, the distinctive African incense.


     This oil combines with ease with the other ingredients to be a beautiful and unique composition, and after the two components are combined with each other, its smell will blow your mind from its beauty, so whoever does

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  3. افضل العطور الشرقية من عطورات الحرمين

    لدى المنطقة الغربية العطور الفرنسية كما لدى المنطقة الشرقية عطورها الشرقة التي تناسب ذوقها. العطر هو كل شيء عن ثقافة وجغرافيا البلد. يشكل العود وخشب الصندل والمسك وغيرها

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  4. العطور الصيفية استعدادا لفصل الصيف

    تأتي العطور الحمضية عندما يقبل فصل الصيف. يشتهر الصيف بالعطور المنعشة والحماسية ، فهي تحتوي في الغالب على روائح مثل البرتقال الكليمونتين والبرتفال اليوسفي والجريب فروت

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  5. العطور الزهرية اليومية من عطورات الحرمين

    العطور الزهرية هي تغير للمزاج. إذا كنت ترغب في الشعور بالاسترخاء ، فإن العطور الزهرية هي خيارك الانسب. ستحيط بك الإيجابية والود عندما يكون لديك عطر زهري. لأن الروائح الزهرية

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