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  1. افضل العطور الشرقية من عطورات الحرمين

    لدى المنطقة الغربية العطور الفرنسية كما لدى المنطقة الشرقية عطورها الشرقة التي تناسب ذوقها. العطر هو كل شيء عن ثقافة وجغرافيا البلد. يشكل العود وخشب الصندل والمسك وغيرها

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  2. العطور الصيفية استعدادا لفصل الصيف

    تأتي العطور الحمضية عندما يقبل فصل الصيف. يشتهر الصيف بالعطور المنعشة والحماسية ، فهي تحتوي في الغالب على روائح مثل البرتقال الكليمونتين والبرتفال اليوسفي والجريب فروت

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  3. العطور الزهرية اليومية من عطورات الحرمين

    العطور الزهرية هي تغير للمزاج. إذا كنت ترغب في الشعور بالاسترخاء ، فإن العطور الزهرية هي خيارك الانسب. ستحيط بك الإيجابية والود عندما يكون لديك عطر زهري. لأن الروائح الزهرية

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  4. The best perfumes for men and women

    The best collection of musk perfumes for men and women


    Musk is one of the primary ingredients in the perfume industry, as it adds a wonderful touch to a perfume’s smell and strength, in addition to stabilizing the perfume for as long as possible, but many people do not know what the source of this musk is.


     For those who do not know, musk is extracted from certain glands present in the male, which passes through several stages to make musk and making musk oil as well, where some chemicals are included to be ready for use.


    The method of making a musk perfume is a difficult and slightly complicated method, but its results are wonderful, as it produces strong perfumes. This process is carried out through the following steps:


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  5. How to Choose Long Lasting Perfume for Wedding Day

    One of the most significant occasions in your life is getting married, so you'll want to cherish every second. It's a good thing that the sense of smell plays a big role in memory formation. The ideal tent poles for a memory kept in time are your perfume and distinctive scent. With just one sniff of the perfume, you wore on your special day, you can travel back in time. The question is, how does a bride-to-be locate her fragrance soulmate when the world of fragrances may be overwhelming and wedding planning is frequently seasonal? We look into it.

     01.Think about Personality

    A bride should maintain her scent identity. According to fragrance experts, orange blossom might be for you if you enjoy subtle scents. However, if your personality is stronger, choose an element to match it. The perfumes you select should reflect who you are, she explains.

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